Welcome Liners!

I am posting this thread on chat (pulled over in a parking lot) to invite liners to the forum.


I feel you playing with your phone during a traffic stop is not going to play in your favor. :joy:


Ha! I stopped in Stop and Shop since I did not have any lettuce in my house for a salad for lunch (came home from Dsiney last night). I read the thread in the store and then pulled aside in the parking lot. Rather sad no one came over to see how great it can be here :tired_face:


hahah ohhhhhh my bad. I totally misread that. (still have a funny image in my head of you shushing a cop while you post this.)


That would be very funny!

Edited to add: sometime my Massachusetts accent makes it hard to understand :wink:


HI thought that we didn’t want the crazy people over here.

Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby! Dobby mustn’t speak ill of the Chat people…




Ok principal this gal is going to try the forum. I don’t even know where to go. I tried la cava a couple years ago. Where do I peruse? The main list of topics? Head for la cava? Lenscava? lol I typo’d and it made me lol. I don’t even know if I am replying right! Ugh fish out of water here.


Best place to start is to tap the Menu icon (3 lines) in the top right of the screen - this allows you to select filtered lists of posts. My “go to” lists are New and Unread. You can also jump to a particular category like La Cava from there as well.

The Forum is a massive upgrade from Chat - it has all the features people were asking for in Chat (longer messages, images, formatting, bookmarking, quoting, editing, notifications, etc.). It was supposed to replace Chat (with Chat being used for quick in-park questions only), but unfortunately there were some technical issues during roll-out that scared people away so the migration never really happened. Also, there were a lot of complaints about the “new” factor - often from the people who were requesting all the new features in the first place. If I were @len I would have been pulling my hair out at that point…


You are perfect! There is no wrong way to be in the forum. The daily open thread in La Cava is a social read. Stop by and say “hi”! I always sort my topics by “latest” “all categories”. Other sort by topic. Give it a try and if it frustrates you post back here and I will add some screen shots tonight after work!


Ok here goes nothing. I just need to figure out where to start and how to reply to the thread v. Reply to one person. :slight_smile: thanks for your help!

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You reply to the thread by tapping the blue Replt button at the bottom of the thread. You reply to a specific comment/person in a thread by tapping the reply icon (arrow turning to the left) at the bottom of that comment. Note that in either case your reply is added to the thread and is visible to all.

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This is reply to thread-test

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This is reply tomoerson-test. Got it I think! Thanks. Oops and I got a warning. Too many replies. Hehe.

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I get those blue warnings all the time!

It really is easy to navigate once you start jumping in!

@PrincipalTinker you are so sweet to be inviting people. That is what I love about you!

Yeesh. I didn’t communicate that rollout well. And I didn’t understand then the appeal of the fast updates to chat. Also that the chat community basically runs itself. So, you know, learning experiences all around.


See, you got the hang of it! Every day there is an “Open Thread” in the “La Cava” section (I always just see it in the “latest” sort (make sure you are set to all categories if you are finding it that way. Stop by and say “hi” some time. You don’t have to- but you (and everyone else) is welcome. Here is the link to today’s thread http://forum.touringplans.com/t/september-6-2017-open-thread/38065/162

Good going, the more the merrier.

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