Transition from Chat Lines Format

You put the “@” symbol and start typing their name it will auto pop up like this @BackIntoTheFray

Thanks. But what does it mean to tag someone?

I think it sends them a little number up on the top right. Like a alert you have been tagged. So they know to look at that post… One more time. Like a notification on Facebook

Ok, thank you

Haven’t been on lately as I have to be tethered to an actual computer (desktop/laptop). Since I use my tablet and phone more this is not good. But will continue to work thru my issues.

Ok have been using for a couple days and really like it. Now that I have it working on the iPad I am happier. My only complaint is it’s really cumbersome on my phone. I am just not using anymore on phone and at makes me sad. I used to love to check during long car rides (when husband was driving of course).

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so @MagicMN or anyone else who has It, how about that ring tone link? :smile:

I can never figure out how to use the ring tones so I have never held on to the link - isn’t there a growing topic abuot frequent links somewhere?

There is - but alas no one has posted it yet :smile:

I loved checking Lines on car rides too!;O=D
is this it???

Oh, I guess that link no longer works, I think thats the only one I had saved for ringtones…

Just saying hi…from my phone this time…still just testing
these new forum waters of ours…

So far it’s OK and doesn’t feel all that different from
how I felt about 15 months ago when I came across this chat group and
tentatively asked a question about lockers at BB (not that I called it BB back
then) what followed was an avalanche  of responses
from the most welcoming friendly bunch of strangers I’d ever
“met”… Looking forward to the new magic of the forum even if new
technology scares the pants off me and makes me feel slow…
OK so this message is still trying to upload from my phone and I’ve jumped back on the PC to post… maybe the phone will work better tomorrow


I have to hit the reply button 3 to 4 times on my phone to make it work. it’s weird how the post is waiting when I come here if the reply from phone doesn’t go through.


How do you book mark something and then how of you retrieve it?

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@michm418, you can bookmark a post by clicking on the little icon in the lower right corner of the post that looks like a blue ribbon (the icon furthest to the right). To retrieve a post you’ve bookmarked, click on your avatar in the upper right corner - one of the choices on the drop-down menu is bookmarks. You can also reach your bookmark library from your profile page.

I feel the same way…hopefully once we feel comfortable it will be better!

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I feel a little liner lost…will keep liner learning!

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