MDE app - search by restaurant

Is there a way to search for dining reservations on the app by the restaurant? I can only figure out how to search by date and time. TIA

I have the iPhone version of the app (they’re all slightly different, strangely) and you can search for restaurants. Move the top bar over to dining.

And then tap that thing at the bottom to toggle from map view to a list. That will bring up the whole alphabetical list. From there, you can use the magnifying glass to search (at the top) or tap the symbols at the bottom again to limit the list to just TS restaurants or Animal Kingdom, etc.

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The filter will limit your your choices but I cannot find a way on the app to just search for that one restaurant.

The magnifying glass at the top does it.

Oh! I didn’t see your text there!

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Lol- I cannot even get that magnify glass!

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MDE is such a weird app. :rolling_eyes:


Y’all are wonderful!!! Thank you so much.

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